Some things to keep in mind as the temps cool...

With the colder weather upon us, MS Commissioner of Insurance and State Fire Marshal Mike Chaney wants to remind everyone it's a good time to have your heating equipment checked.  

A National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 2010 report shows the leading factor contributing to ignition for home heating fire deaths was heating equipment too close to things that can burn, such as upholstered furniture, clothing, mattresses, or bedding. Home heating fires peak during 6:00 to 8:00 p.m., and associated deaths peak during 2:00 to 4:00 a.m.

The State Fire Marshal’s Office recommends the following heating fire safety tips:

● All heating equipment should be UL® approved and cleaned and inspected by a qualified professional prior to being used each year.

● Remember to keep clothes, drapes, and anything else combustible at least 3 feet away from all heating equipment, especially space heaters.

● Inspect the space heater’s power cord for damage, fraying or heat. If the cord inspection reveals any of these issues, the heater should be replaced. Proper cleaning is essential and should be done regularly.

● Never use space heaters while you sleep or in areas where children may be without adult supervision.

Do not leave space heaters on when you are away from home.

●Always unplug space heaters when they are not in use. The heater should also be equipped with a tip over shut-off switch.

● Use only traditional heating equipment.

Never use a stove or oven to heat living spaces. Kerosene is a poor choice for heating as it will give off poisonous fumes.

● Have chimney flues cleaned and inspected by qualified personnel.

● Have a spark screen that is age appropriate for all individuals using any area to be heated by a fireplace.

● Burn only approved materials in a fireplace or wood-burning stove; never burn paper or trash in a fireplace or wood burning stove.

Should a fire break out in the home, have an emergency evacuation plan for the family to follow and have a designated meeting place for all family members. Once everyone is outside the burning home, call 911 and DO NOT RE-ENTER THE HOUSE UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES!!!

For more fire safety information and tips visit the State Fire Marshal page of the Mississippi Insurance Department website at can also follow the Mississippi State Fire Marshal on Twitter at Heating safety tips are also available on the MID YouTube page/FireSafety playlist at

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