We still have plenty of questions after the JFK Files release. So, Glenn wanted to put one of them to the test: Could Lee Harvey Oswald have made the shots that assassinated Kennedy in the allotted time, as the Warren Commission said he did? Glenn recently put the theory to the test and tried to make the shots himself. The full recreation attempt will be available exclusively to BlazeTV subscribers on March 26, 2025. But first, Glenn gives a preview of the 2 incredible things he discovered ...
Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors
GLENN: Yeah. Well, I went up to Oklahoma this weekend.
To a friends house. Or a friends ranch.
He's got a shooting range. And we went up, because we were shooting something that is for Wednesday's special.
Last week, we shot what's his name?
Oswald's gun. The exact copy with the exact ammunition.
And the ammunition itself leads to you conspiracy theories like crazy.
I mean, the more -- the more we do things on this.
Like, we will just disprove that.
Then you're like. Eh.
I mean, one of them is the ammunition.
This gun is -- was for Greek fighters in World War II!
It's a really crappy gun. The -- the scope today, the same exact scope, if you can get it, very rare.
If you can get it. It is so crappy. That it's a 10-dollar scope, today. Okay?
Back then, it was -- and it's really -- this gun is -- has everything going against it. Okay?
And the ammunition, there wasn't ammunition for this gun. The CIA after the war said to the DOD, you've got to make a bunch of ammunition over to this gun. And send it over to Greece. Okay?
So it was all CIA-ordered ammunition. It didn't sell. It was there. So they shipped it back, later.
Now, how did Oswald get the ammunition that was -- was ordered by the CIA, brought back by the CIA, and the DOJ.
How did he -- we have those shells. They are $40 a piece. So we were using the shell.
We used absolutely everything. And last week, the gun jammed on us. Actually, the firing pin went out, and we couldn't get it fixed fast enough for what I did yesterday.
So I went out last week, and I shot.
And it was just stationery, at the exact stance. Can we -- can I hit those things, using this gun?
Yes. Then we decided, we have to do it though, moving. And the exact angles, and as high up to six stories as we can get.
So yesterday, I go to -- go to Oklahoma. To this great side by side ranch. Where, you know, it's for hunters.
And the guy who runs it, is a guy who is a Beretta sharpshooter, if you will. The kind of guy that he will go to gun shows and stuff.
He will throw up a quarter, and he will shoot a hole through the quarter. He's that kind of guy. Really good shot. And he said, this is difficult.
I'm like, eh, is it? And he's like, yes. Glenn. This is a difficult shot. We're going to be here all day. Let me just say, my day lasted -- I expected maybe 20 minutes. It was an eight-hour day to do this. Okay?
STU: Wow.
GLENN: So we take the shot. I don't want to reveal what we found. We found two things that I did not expect. I thought for sure it would go a certain way, and it didn't.
And then on top of that, he comes back, and he's -- because we had it in the back of a car.
Shoot through the back of the car.
And we did!
And so it was the same angle.
Absolutely everything.
And he comes out, after the shoot, and he said, I want you to look at this.
And he shows us something on the car.
And I said, wait a minute.
Wait. Explain this.
Because it seemed odd. Once he pointed it out. I said, wait a minute.
And he said, yeah. We started talking about it. The whole crew came around.
We're doing research today.
Because if the Warren commission did not talk about this. And they had to have.
STU: Right.
GLENN: If they didn't talk about this, it was -- because there's no way around it, and we'll show it to you on Wednesday's show.
It's fascinating!
It is absolutely fascinating.
STU: Sounds it!
GLENN: Yeah. It's really great.
STU: What was it like, going through the process of re-creating that?
GLENN: It was weird, because we had put balloons.
STU: Right.
GLENN: Where everybody was. And so we put balloons there.
And the idea of -- I could relate to him on nerves.
Because I was thinking, okay. So what other elements did he have to deal with? And the only one that I couldn't re-create is, I'm shooting the president.
And I'm probably going to walk away dead.
STU: Of course.
GLENN: So, you know, that's the only thing. That would slow you down. Make you a sloppier shot. Or anything else.
And we couldn't re-create that.
STU: That's a big one.
GLENN: Yeah. The other thing is, he was in a Lincoln continental. Even moving, it's 11 miles an hour.
That thing is not bouncing around. We had it in the back of a truck.
And the truck was being dragged through this field.
And it -- it kept losing -- you know, the field is bumpy.
STU: Not paved.
GLENN: Yeah. Not paved at all. Not even smooth.
So I think that kind of made up for him being was this. Because that -- that's what Scott was saying.
He was like, this is a difficult shot.
Because of that!
So I think we kind of balanced it out.
But it's really amazing.
We're doing a show from the Oval. Wednesday. And we have got -- we've got somebody on that has a tape. He's bringing it. Would not release it. To us. So he's coming in, and he's bringing the tape of a conversation that he says, two people talking about Johnson.
And Johnson's involvement.
We also have Roger Stone on the program.
STU: Really?
GLENN: Yeah. Talking about that.
Because I also want to go in with Nixon.
And he's part of the Nixon thing. Because the more you find out about what our CIA was doing.
The things we'll show you on Wednesday, that we've now confirmed.
And we didn't even know we were looking for this.
But the things that came out of those JFK files now that we confirmed, shows that the CIA is absolutely out of control then, and it will make you question everything else that you know in history.
Was that real, or was that not real?
And so that's Wednesday night.
9 o'clock. Blaze TV.
Join me. BlazeTV.com/Glenn.
Just use the promo code Glenn, and you will save.
STU: Doesn't Roger Stone have a Nixon tattoo? So he was definitely -- he was there for that.
GLENN: Yeah. Yeah.
STU: A big fan.
GLENN: Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uh-huh.
But I don't know how I feel about Nixon thousand.
I mean, I know how I feel about Nixon.
I don't think he was a good guy.
I don't know how I feel about -- what I know said. My dad said, he's just like everybody else. He just got caught.
I think he's bare minimum.
Right about that.
It may have been, he's just like everybody else. But they set him up.
STU: Hmm. This is interesting. This is interesting. Because we have all these documents. And as usual, they've calmed no one, it seems.
GLENN: But this has only made it worse. I think. This has only made it worse. And we're trying to disprove things. When you see what happens in the field, I think you'll -- I think you'll really be surprised.
You'll really be surprised. At what we found. And what happened.
STU: That's interesting. I can't wait to see this. This is Wednesday night. On your normal show.
Your normal special.
GLENN: Yeah.
STU: By the way, you can subscribe to Blaze TV. BlazeTV.com/Glenn. The promo code is Glenn. You can save 30 bucks off your subscription.